New Paintings by Melissa Monroe
Thursday, September 3
Opening Reception
6–9 PM
Melissa Monroe is a self-taught artist living and working in Portland, OR. She completed her first piece of visual art in late 2013, following a period of personal and professional upheaval, and has since created over 300 art works. “I have learned more from my paintings than any book has taught me,” she says. “Painting has changed my life. I have changed my life.”
The fulcrum of Monroe’s artistic vision is self exploration, which she pursues in a style distinguished by its vulnerability and frankness. Her work seeks a balance between abstraction and emotional form, asking such questions as, What does emotion look like in the absence of physical human expression? What does it take for an image to be universally understood across cultural and linguistic barriers? And, In the age of the internet, has our self reliance faded? Are we still capable of making up our own answers?
Monroe is a single mother to three young children and paints every day.
Image: human girl, 24″ x 48″ on wood panel. Acrylic, oil pastel, pencil.