

MaryAnn Puls, Imagined and Material Things

May 6–28, 2016


Friday, May 6
Opening Reception
6–9 PM

In these new constructions, Portland artist MaryAnn Puls employs paint, pencil, wood and plaster of Paris to arrive at abstract material koans. The pieces evidence her handwork and many of them rest against the wall as self-contained amalgams of shelf, tool and visual idea. The objects contain a paradox: they are nonrepresentational totems of everyday imaginings. Intentionally provisional, the work embraces experimentation. Many of the pieces have articulated, moving parts which have been temporarily fastened by the artist for the exhibit, making them quiet, inscrutable machines.




About the Gallery

Roll-Up was an artist-run contemporary exhibition space from 2014-2019 and is permanently closed.


Roll-Up is closed as of July, 2019